Ordinace Donovalská is a general medical practice, providing diagnostic and treatment-preventive care for adults; with links to ongoing care by ambulatory or hospital specialists should a referral for further care be appropriate.

Ordinance Donovalská is a contractual partner of the following health insurers: VZP, OZP, ZPMV, VOZP, ČPZP, RBP


We offer:


  • standard immunisation programme  according to adult immunisation schedule
  • occupational health prevention care depending on contract with your employer
  • completing medical reports for driving, firearm and food safety licences 
  • completing medical reports for membership of sport clubs, schools and universities, work with children etc. 

In addition we also offer:


  • Blood glucose reading using “glucometer”
  • Blood CRP (C-reactive protein) test to establish level  and type of inflammation in body
  • FOB (Faecal Occult Blood) test - to investigate bleeding disorders of the gut
  • Pulse Oximetry - non invasive method to monitor oxygen saturation 
  • ECG
  • Complex Diabetes II care for patients without diabetic complications
  • Travel medicine and travel vaccination advice

Surgery Opening Hours

                                     Acute (Walk-in)                     Pre-booked Appointments 

 call for rezervation in times: Phone: 736 739 730

new rules in covid-19 times, please call for rezervation

Monday:                     07.30 - 11.30                           11.30 - 13.30

Tuesday:                     08.00 - 12.00                           12.00 - 14.00

Wednesday:                07.30 - 11.30                           11.30 - 13.30

Thursday:                   12.30 - 16.30                           16.30 - 18.30

Friday:                         08.00 - 12.00                           12.00 - 14.00

map: https://www.ordinacedonovalska.cz/inpage/kudy-k-nam/


Blood tests: daily till 9.00am except on Thursdays


How to book an appointment:


Appointment can be booked in person at the surgery or via telephone. 


Phone: 736 739 730

 Patients who are acutely ill, cannot be seen in the pre-booked clinics in order to minimise spread of infection and due to time restrictions.


If you are acutely ill, please visit the surgery during the acute opening hours, and use the disposable face mask, available in the waiting area, to prevent spread of airborne infections.


Appointments can be pre-booked for:


  • new patient registration 
  • preventive health check ups
  • drivers licence application examinations (except professional drivers whose examination must be carried out by their employer’s approved examiner)
  • examinations for fire arms licence applications
  • administrative work (including: referrals to spas/wellness, completing forms (ČSSZ, retirement due to ill health, carer benefits, disabled ID’s etc.)
  • pre-employment examinations
  • ante-natal checks
  • pre-operation checks
  • on patient’s request

non-stop pharmacy Prague: pharmacy in Prague

Praha 1 - Pohotovostní lékárna Palackého, Palackého 5

Praha 2 - Pohotovostní lékárna U Svaté Ludmily,Belgická 37

Praha 4 - Pohotovostní lékárna - lékárna TN, Vídeňská 800

Praha 5 - Pohotovostní lékárna Fakultní nemocnice v Motole, V Úvalu 84

Praha 7 - Pohotovostní lékárna BENU Lékárna, Fr. Křížka 22

Praha 8 - Pohotovostní lékárna - Ústavní lékárna Na Bulovce,  Budínova 67/2

Praha 10 - Lékárna Poliklinika Malešice, Plaňanská 573/1

Praha 11 - Lékárna Šustova,  Šustova 1930/2

when we are closed: non stop surgery in Prague

emergency in the Czech republic:



Emergency calls

In emergency call 155 for EMS, 158 for Police or 150 for Fire dept. European emergency number 112 is also available, served by Fire Departement.

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